Unfortunately, I was not able to post this information at the correct time so that folks could support this wonderful writers project. I thought it would be inspiring to post it anyway, it could serve as food for thought for other scholarship drives or community fund raisers.
In June, 2006, the Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle donated 20% of their proceeds from the sales of certain books to the Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund of the Carl Brandon Society. Books had to be purchased in person or over the phone, during the month of June. Online purchases did not qualify.
The donations were of Elliott Bay's "Books for a Change" program. Titles for June included Dark Matter II, edited by Sheree Renee Thomas; Fledgling and Kindred by Octavia E. Butler; The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan; Cinnamon Kiss, The Wave, and Fear Itself by Walter Mosley; Zorro and City of Beasts by Isabelle Allende; and many, many more.
For a complete list of the books that where part of the June donation program, please call the store at (206) 624-6600 or (toll free) 1-800-962-5311, or check the online list. Then, you could either have placed an order for any of these books over the phone, or you could have bought any of them at the store to make your selection count towards our total.
The Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund will support writers of color attending the Clarion and Clarion West Writing Workshops, beginning in 2007. It is administered by the Carl Brandon Society, a nonprofit organization focusing on the presence and representation of people of color in the fantastic literary genres. For more information about the Carl Brandon Society and the scholarship fund, please visit our website.
Elliott Bay Book Company: "Books for a Change" — Toll free orders: 1-800-962-5311
Octavia E. Butler's Website
Carl Brandon Society
Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund