"TAAH DAAH"!!!... I Finally made it to the "Big Net".
Happy Holidays and greetings Folks... Bear with me for a few days as I try to smooth out the kinks in working with this blog... technology can be amazing when you know what you're doing... and it can be a pain in the "twink" when you're trying to figure it out.
That said...
The New Year is almost here and it's time to do the annual resolutions, I'll share with you a timely little quote from a fortune cookie I received a couple of days ago.... It stated; "NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE ALL OF THOSE LOOSE ENDS AND TIE THEM INTO A BEAUTIFUL SHINY BOW"... Now!!..., is'nt that special!!!
My plans for 2008: I am going to continue with my media shut-down... (except for the internet), I have been on this media shut-down for 3 years now, 2008 will be my 4th year, there's too much trauma in the media for my nerves right now, it's having a negative affect on my psyche, horrible for the emotions and the production of ART, especially the type of ART WORK I want to create, or need to create in these "TIMES OF CRISIS". I want to be like the Salmon, and swim up the stream,... not go down the toilet. Ooop's..., I mean,... swim down the Stream... at the end of 2007 I did look at a couple of days of cable TV to check out some movies and to see what the trends are, other than that, I find I can live without it for the most part.
The holiday's in New York has it own special flavor, especially during this time of global warming, This image of a young "Prince of Harlem" among a collection of Black Wooden Soldiers, sitting on his stoop in Dec 22, 2006 is definitely one for my signs-of-the-times memoirs.
(This is just a test practice posting of this blog Folks to get this "Dad Blasted" Thing started... I'll write more later when I know more of what I am doing... but until then,